Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

Synopsis Pompeii Movie (2014)

This is an adventure movie describing the explosion of Vesuvius Mountain that destroyed the ancient Rome into pieces, especially Pompeii city.

It tells about a slave named Milo who was in love with his master’s daughter named Cassia.

Cassia was supposed to be engaged by mating to a Roman official. However, she did not want it because of his bad attitude. 

Beside being a slave, Milo was also a gladiator in arena. He was a tough gladiator. He hoped that one day he would get his freedom and marry his loving girl.

Yet, their love story faced hard obstacles, not only on social level and status but also the striking great disaster that time. Vesuvius Mountain exploded as great force as 40 nuclear bombs along two days destroying Pompeii city and buried it with dust and stones as 6 meter high. The city had disapeared and gone for 1500 years and was coincidentally found in 1599. 

Sumber :

Kamis, 29 Mei 2014

Cancer | My Chemical Romance

Turn away
you could get me a drink of water
Jika kau bisa memberiku segelas air
'Cause my lips are chapped and faded
Karna bibirku pecah-pecah dan layu

Call my Aunt Marie
Panggillah Bibi Marie
Help her gather 
all my things
Bantulah dia mengumpulkan barang-barangku
And bury me in all my favorite colors
Dan kuburkan aku dalam warna kesukaanku
My sisters and my brothers, still
Saudari dan saudaraku, tetap saja

I will not kiss you
Aku takkan mencium kalian
 the hardest part of this
Karna yang terberat dari semua ini
Is leaving you
Adalah meninggalkan kalian

Now turn away
Kini pergilah
'Cause I'm awful just to see
Karna dilihat saja aku sudah menakutkan
'Cause all my hair's abandoned all my body
Karna rambutku tlah rontoh dari tubuhku

Oh, my agony
Oh, duka laraku
Now that I will never marry
Kini karna aku takkan pernah menikah
Baby, I'm just soggy from the chemo
Kasih, aku hanya orang kuyu karena kemoterapi
But counting down the days to go
Namun menghitung hari

It just ain't living
Ini bukanlah hidup
And I just hope you know
Dan aku berharap kalian tahu
That if you say
Bahwa jika kalian katakan
(If you say)
(Jika kalian katakan)
Goodbye today
Selamat tinggal hari ini
(Goodbye today)
(Selamat tinggal hari ini)
I'd ask you to be
Aku kan meminta kalian untuk jujur
(I'd ask you to be true)
(Aku akan meminta kalian untuk jujur)

'Cause the hardest part of this
'Karna bagian terberat dari semua ini
Is leaving you
Adalah meninggalkan kalian
'Cause the hardest part of this
'Karna bagian terberat dari semua ini
Is leaving you
Adalah meninggalkan kalian

The song tells about a boy with cancer and about to pass away. To survive, he had a chemotherapy that put effect on his hair fertility. No burden was heavier, but to leave his caring and loved relatives.

Selasa, 29 April 2014

The Meaning Art

Group D :
Nicolas Gustiawan
Deddy Armanto
Agus Sudari
Mustaqim Firma

Section 2
Structure And Writer Expression

1. The attorney told his client that . . . .
answer : they had a little chance to winning the case

2.One of the proffesor's greatest atribute is . . . .
answer : his ability to lecture

3.The Bank sent a notice to its customers which contained . . . .
answer : a reminder that the interest rates would rise the following month

4.. . . . was the day before yesterday.
Answer : France`s Independence Day

5.It was not until she had arrived home . . . . remembered her appointment with the doctor
Answer : that she

6.George would certainly have attended the proceedings . . . .
Answer : had he not had a flat tire

7.. . . . received Law degrees as today
Answer : Never have so many women

8.The students liked that professor`s course because. . . .
Answer : there was little or no homework

9.George . . . . he could improve his test scores, but he did not gave enough time to study
Answer : knew how

10.. . . . he would have come to class
Answer : If Mike had been able to finish his homework

11.Lee contributed fifty dollars, but he wishes he could contribute . . . .
Answer : another fifty

12.The people at the party were worried about Janet because no one was aware . . . . she had gone.
Answer : of where

13. Fred`s yearly income since he changed professions has . . . .
Answer : nearly tripled

14.Nancy hasn`t begun working on her Ph.D . . . . working on her master`s
Answer : yet because she is still

15.The director of this organization must know . . . .
Answer :  how to manage money, sell his product, and satisfy the stockholders

16. She wishes that we DIDN'T SEND HER THE CANDY yesterday BECAUSE she`s ON a diet.
      Use “don’t”

17. They are PLANNING ON ATTENDING the convention NEXT month, and SO I AM
      I guess “so I am” can replaced with “me” :p

18. Today was SUCH BEAUTIFUL DAY that I couldn`t BRING myself TO COMPLETE all MY CHORES.

19. WHILE THEY were away at the beach, they allowed THEIR NEIGHBORS USE theirbarbeque grill.
      “use” shall replace with “used”

20. The artist tried STIMULATE INTEREST in painting BY TAKING his students TO THE museums.

21. Mumps ARE a very COMMON DISEASE WHICH USUALLY affects children
      “are” shall replace with “is”

22. Nancy said THAT she WENT TO the supermarket BEFORE COMING home
      “went” can replaced with “go”

23. BEFORE she moved here, Arlene had BEEN president OF THE organization SINCE four years.
      “since” can replaced with “for”

24. Each OF THE nurses REPORT to the operating room when his or HER NAME IS CALLED.

25. The ATHLETE, together WITH HIS COACH and several relatives, ARE traveling to the Olympic Games.
      We can add “they” before to be “are”

26. Professor Duncan TEACHES BOTH ANTHROPOLOGY as well as sociology EACH FALL.

27. My brother is IN California ON vacation, but I wish he WAS here so that he could help ME REPAIR MY CAR.
      “was” shall replaced with “is”

28. I CERTAINLY appreciate HIM TELLING us about the delay in DELIVERING the materials because we had planned to begin work tomorrow.

29. The chemistry instructor explained the experiment IN SUCH OF A WAY that it WAS EASILY UNDERSTOOD.

30. Rudolph Nureyev HAS BECOME one of THE GREATEST DANCER that the ballet world has EVER KNOWN.
      “Dancers” not “Dancer” because not only Rudolph Nureyev who get the title

 31. He has LESS friends in HIS classes now THAN he had LAST YEAR.
      We can replace “less” with “a bit”, I guess :p

32. The town we visited WAS a FOUR-DAYS journey from our hotel, so we TOOK the train instead OF THE BUS.

33. The influence of the NATION'S Literature, art, and SCIENCE HAVE captured WIDESPREAD attention.
      Use “has” because they are organisation

34. The leader emphasized THE NEED FOR JUSTICE and equality BETWEEN his PEOPLE.
      We can replace “between” with “of”

35. MANY of the population in the RURAL AREAS is COMPOSED of manual LABORERS.
      I think “many” can replaced with “a lot”

36. Several people HAVE APPARENT tried to change THE MAN'S MIND, but he refuses TO LISTEN.

37. Keith is one of THE MOST intelligent boys OF the SCIENCE class.
      I think “of” can replaced with “in”

38. The girls WERE SORRY to HAD MISSED the singers WHEN they ARRIVED at the airport.
      “had” is not needed here

39. When Keith visited Alaska, he LIVED in A igloo in the winter MONTHS AS WELL as in the spring.
      Shall use An not A

40. The harder he TRIED, the WORST he DANCED before the LARGE audience.
      “worst” shall be replced with “worth”, I guess :p

Jumat, 28 Maret 2014

Part of Speech

A noun is a word that denotes a person, place, or thing. In a sentence, nouns answer the questions who and what.
1. The dog ran after the ball.
2. She possesses integrity.
3. She visited Chicago every year.
4. I stepped in a puddle. 
5. I saw the milk spill. 
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.
1. She decided to go to a movie.
2. This is the one I left in the room.
3. Nobody is absent today.
4. I love cooking.
5. They like one another.

A verb is a word that denotes action, or a state of being, in a sentence.
1. Beth rides the bus every day.
2. Paul was an avid reader.
3. John walked in the park.
4. I will run tomorrow.
5. I sing my favorite songs.

Just as adjectives modify nouns, adverbs modify, or further describe, verbs. Adverbs may also modify adjectives. (Many, though not all, adverbs end in -ly.)
1. He waved wildly to get her attention.
2. The shirt he wore to the party was extremely bright.
3. I will go to the market.
4. Tomorrow is my birthday.
5. I always pray.

An adjective is a word that modifies, or describes, a noun or pronoun. Adjectives may precede nouns, or they may appear after a form of the reflexive verb to be (am, are, is, was, etc.).
1. We live in the red brick house.
2. Several soldiers died in the war.
3. Our books are new.
4. Kristine is beautiful
5. They are happy.
A conjunction is a word that joins two independent clauses, or sentences, together.
1. Ellen wanted to take a ride, but she doesn’t have money                                                              
2. Richard and John are bestfriends.
3. These lessons are both free and useful.
4. Vanessa not only wants money but also fame.
5. I was so hungry therefore I cook my food.
Prepositions work in combination with a noun or pronoun to create phrases that modify verbs, nouns/pronouns, or adjectives. Prepositional phrases convey a spatial, temporal, or directional meaning.
1. The cat is under the table.
2. The mouse run to the hole.
3. Rose reaches school at 8 o’clock.
4. She will come on Sunday.
5. He ran across the road.

An interjection is a word which expresses sudden feeling or emotion.
Examples :
1. Hello, Good Evening !
2. Hurray .. Let's party !
3. Bravo ! You are so graceful.
4. Oh! That is so nice gift.
5. Robert! What happened to you?

Sumber :

Sample Questions

1. I have read this book ___ 3 hours.
a. For over
b. In
c. Since
d. By

2. There are so many vegetables ____ orange contain vitamin C.
a. Include
b. Including
c. And
d. Includes

3. You have to stand ___ me.
a. But
b. Below
c. Above
d. By

4. She has been crazy ___ three years ago.
a. Since
b. For
c. Until
d. At

5. My father does not ___ time.
a. In
b. On
c. At
d. In the

6. I cannot ____ the floor.
a. Cleans
b. Cleaning
c. Clean
d. Cleaned

7. Farhan, Abdi, Dina, and Salsa will discuss the problem ____ themselves.
a. Among
b. Between
c. To
d. With

8. I have understood this material ____ I studied here.
a. For
b. Until
c. From
d. Since

9. She has been _____ in Jamaica in the last three years.
a. Work
b. Working
c. Works
d. Worked

10. You always make me ____.
a. Pride
b. Prouder
c. Proud
d. Have been proud

11. We have to listen your story ____ trust.
a. By
b. On
c. To
d. For

12. I love you ___ heart.
a. For
b. By
c. To
d. On

13. Little ____ little, the truth is being revealed.
a. On
b. To
c. By
d. For

14. I learn English _____ detail.
a. In
b. On
c. To
d. For

15. All the products we made _____ hand.
a. In
b. On
c. By
d. For

16. I open the door _____ go outside.
a. And
b. In
c. So
d. For

17. Don’t give _____ until you can pass all the exams.
a. Away
b. On
c. Up
d. So

18. Do you know _____  my mother will come tomorrow?
a. If
b. So
c. Too
d. Up

19. I feel hungry _____ I am tired.
a. So
b. To
c. If
d. Such

20. We must go _____ if they don’t come to my house today.
a. Such
b. Even
c. After
d. Since

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